Child cancer patients often have to be isolated in hospitals during treatment. These isolations can sometimes take up to four months. During isolations the children are not allowed to leave their rooms and have no way to play with other children in the hospital, or with friends.
Job Jansweijer from the Delft University of Technology designed a solution for this: KonneKt. Konnekt allows children to play together again, without having any physical contact. The game transforms the window between the two children in a playing canvas. The foam shapes can be attached to the window using suction cups and magnets. By combining the shapes the kids can play games like tick-tack-toe, connect four, or build their own fantasy world!
Play together!
KonneKt is such an amazing solution for isolated kids! It gives them the opportunity to play again and connect with their friends. During such unpleasant period it is crucial for kids to get this distraction and just for a little period of time, be careless again.
"The goal of the Kickstarter campaign is to give a KonneKt game to 100 hospitals. People who want to support KonneKt can choose for a ‘Buy one+Give one’ option: they buy one game, and donate the same game to one of the participating hospitals. They can also choose to buy one game, which they can either keep themselves, or give to a hospital. The aim is to collect the needed €30.000 euro in 40 days. The pledged amount will only be charged if the aim of the Kickstarter campaign is met."
Donate now!
So it's time to make this product reality! You can help this kickstarter by donating a small amount starting from 1 euro. You can read all about donating on their kickstarter page. Do you want more information about this product? Watch the video below or go to their website.