We've arrived to the ending of chapter four, 'food'. Like I did before in chapter two, I'm going to analyse my blogposts and place them in the Quality of life model of Felce and Perry. The model knows 5 domains of wellbeing; social, physical, emotional, material and development + activity.
According to Felce and Perry 'food' can only be placed in the material wellbeing. This chapter I discovered that this is not the case!
Made by Humans
The 'Made by Humans' campagne of fashion brand Armed Angels is an example of emotional wellbeing. In their campagne they draw attention to the invisible workers at the back of the fashion industry. By using a clever ad they confront us with the ridiculous cheap prices in the fashion industry. This has effect on the way you feel buying clothes. Knowing Armed Angels is trying to change something in the fashion industry, makes you buy your jeans with a clear conscience.
Are you sure that's food?
Articles about foods that aren't food show us the truth about the things we eat. This is something that effects our physical wellbeing. All those chemicals and artificial flavors they put in our food can't be healthy for us. If there's no one to show a good example about what (and how) we should eat, we'll never learn. Luckily there are: You wouldn't see any food blog, magazine or recipe using these kind of ingredients, ever. Yay for healthy, fresh and real food.
Trash decides what's on the menu
Pop-up restaurant Instock is a great example that can be placed under 'development + activity'. Eating at Instock is a great way to support sustainability regarding food. It is a solution for food waste and it makes you aware of the problem. It can also be placed under 'social wellbeing', since it is a restaurant where you eat together with friends or family.
Six months without supermarkets
Supermarkets control a lot of the food we eat. Gerrit Jan Groothedde wrote a book in which he shows us alternatives for food-shopping. This is an example of material wellbeing, because it's about the quality, the reliabitily and the freshness of the food we buy. Buying local and eating fresh is becoming more and more important for our health.
Urban farming for dummies
This one is a tricky one to place in the Felce and Perry model. Or is it the opposite: really easy? Urban farming is about growing your own food, getting your hands dirty and building your own greenhouse! (development + activity/material wellbeing) But it's also about wanting to eat food without chemicals. (physical wellbeing) It brings our neighborhood together (social wellbeing) and most of all it's really fun to do. (emotional wellbeing) Is urban gardening the solution for a perfect wellbeing? According to the Felce and Perry model it is!
According to Felce and Perry 'food' can only be placed in the material wellbeing. This chapter I discovered that this is not the case!
Made by Humans
The 'Made by Humans' campagne of fashion brand Armed Angels is an example of emotional wellbeing. In their campagne they draw attention to the invisible workers at the back of the fashion industry. By using a clever ad they confront us with the ridiculous cheap prices in the fashion industry. This has effect on the way you feel buying clothes. Knowing Armed Angels is trying to change something in the fashion industry, makes you buy your jeans with a clear conscience.
Are you sure that's food?
Articles about foods that aren't food show us the truth about the things we eat. This is something that effects our physical wellbeing. All those chemicals and artificial flavors they put in our food can't be healthy for us. If there's no one to show a good example about what (and how) we should eat, we'll never learn. Luckily there are: You wouldn't see any food blog, magazine or recipe using these kind of ingredients, ever. Yay for healthy, fresh and real food.
Trash decides what's on the menu
Pop-up restaurant Instock is a great example that can be placed under 'development + activity'. Eating at Instock is a great way to support sustainability regarding food. It is a solution for food waste and it makes you aware of the problem. It can also be placed under 'social wellbeing', since it is a restaurant where you eat together with friends or family.
Six months without supermarkets
Supermarkets control a lot of the food we eat. Gerrit Jan Groothedde wrote a book in which he shows us alternatives for food-shopping. This is an example of material wellbeing, because it's about the quality, the reliabitily and the freshness of the food we buy. Buying local and eating fresh is becoming more and more important for our health.
Urban farming for dummies
This one is a tricky one to place in the Felce and Perry model. Or is it the opposite: really easy? Urban farming is about growing your own food, getting your hands dirty and building your own greenhouse! (development + activity/material wellbeing) But it's also about wanting to eat food without chemicals. (physical wellbeing) It brings our neighborhood together (social wellbeing) and most of all it's really fun to do. (emotional wellbeing) Is urban gardening the solution for a perfect wellbeing? According to the Felce and Perry model it is!