
Made by humans


Transparency and honesty is something we all long for, says Don Tapscott in his presentation about the four principles of 'The Open World'. Not only in the food sector this is a subject worth mentioning but also in other sectors it's becoming more and more important. In my previous blogposts one thing became clear: we want to know more about our food. Where is it from, how is it made and what is actually in the food we are eating? 

A lot is happening in the food industry, but it doesn't stop there: the fashion industry is changing too. Small initiatives are creating it's own voice. For example clothing libraries like 'De Kledingbibliotheek' or 'Lena-Library' show us that fashion doesn't have to be at the expense of people and the environment. Fashion can be conscious.

Bigger fashion chains are also making a difference. The brand Armed Angels is introducing their new campagne "Made by Humans" in which they draw attention to the invisible workers at the back of the fashion industry. The entire line is certified organic and fair trade!

By using a clever ad they confront us with the ridiculous cheap prices in the fashion industry.

"Both knowledge and intelligence are power." Tapscott says. Empowerment is important for this industry. The growth potential for this has to be big. Without it, it will become worse and worse, not only for the people working in the factories, but also for out planet and in the end: for us all. Hopefully the future shoppingcentra will be filled with brands like this!

I really love this initiative and I would definitely want to buy a pair of jeans from this brand, except for the fact that 99 euros is way to much for one piece of clothing for a simple student like me. Luckily there are a lot alternatives for me to get cheap clothing and still be conscious, like the clothing libraries! Go consciousness!

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Hi my name is Anouck. I like cats, food, photography and the color mintgreen. This is a blog about the discoveries of an International Lifestyle student.