The worlds first holographic protest


Last month thousands of people marched past a Spanish parliament building in Madrid to protest for a new law. It wasn't an ordinary protest: none of them were actually there! It was the worlds first holographic protest.

Spain will have a new law called 'Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana' starting the first of July. The law forbids people from protesting in front of government building. Fines can be up to 30.000 euro!

The demonstration was a holographic happening. Spanish activist gathered though their computers. The 'NoSomosDelito' movement asked sympathizers to join the demonstration by sending videos of themselves via a webcam. The final projection used more than 2000 different videos and constitute a hour-long demonstration.

This holographic protest was a smart response to the new law. It was a technical stunt that surely caught attention of the media. "Our protest with holograms is ironic," said spokesman Carlos Escano, according to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo. "With the restrictions we're suffering on our freedom of association and peaceful assembly, the last option that will be left to us in the end will be to protest though our holograms."

The demonstration is an interesting development after the Tupac-hologram. Technology created for entertainment purposes is being used for political reasons. It is an interesting way of human movement, regarding technology but as wel literal movement of people. I think this technology has a lot of potential for other purposes. I can imagine seminars being lead by holograms, hologram-professors teaching at 5 Universities at the same time and scientists sharing their discoveries without having to travel. Important speakers would be able to speak at more places at once and it will save a lot of time. Not only will is save time, think about the pollution that comes with all this traveling. It's a sustainable solutions as wel! Using holograms for teaching purposes will change unnecessary traveling forever. Nevertheless, the question is how much it will cost to make this technology accessible for everyone. Time and money.

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Hi my name is Anouck. I like cats, food, photography and the color mintgreen. This is a blog about the discoveries of an International Lifestyle student.