I have to make a confession: I think I want to move to Utrecht. Discovery after discovery and coolhunt after coolhunt. Utrecht has so many to offer! Today I want to tell you about a place called 'Alchemie'.
Alchemie is a place where everything is possible. It's a place for your cup of coffee after a hard days work, but it's also a place to shop for art, buy vintage furniture and clothing, have a healthy lunch or take yoga lessons. You name it! Don't want to spend money? There is also a possibility for trading clothes. That works exactly as you think it would: bring something of your own, and trade it for a new piece of clothing you like. It's all about going back to basics and embracing authenticity.
Alchemie is also a platform for young artists. If you want to shop for art, this is the right place no matter what your budget is. Musicians, designers and craftsmen get a chance to take the stage at Alchemie. There's a place for everyone! To top it all off there's a food corner called Ramanas. It's founded by two guys who want to make vegetarian food a little bit more exciting.
Alchemie is such an unique concept, it's a thousands things in one place. It's not merely a store: it invites you to participate and thereby a whole new 'shopping' experience arises. Can't wait to visit? Check out their Facebook for the address and information about their events.
Pictures by Lion van den Brand for Alchemie
1 reacties
Aah wat heb je een leuke blog! Ik kwam deze concept store ook laatst tegen en hij is zoo leuk!