I have a hate/love relationship with books. I'm just not that much of a reading person. But once in a while I stumble upon a book that I just need to have. This one is a good example. The graphic designer in me has a soft spot for covers with pretty typography, so that's the first reason I fell in love with this book. The concept of "Q&A a day" is to answer one question a day, for 5 years in a row. Silly questions and more serious ones, for example: "What motivated you today?" "If you had to move to a new city, which would it be?" "If you could add one more hour to your day, what would you do with it?"
For me, this isn't exactly a new book. I'm already filling in 'year two'. Although not new, it's a perfect example for experience economy: the book makes you reflect on your life and it makes you really selfconscious. It's really fun to see how your opinion can change on something in just a year time. It's also a nice way to keep small memories.
At this time in my life, when my future is so unpredictable and wide open, I'm curios about what my answers will be to the same questions in a few years! How about you, Would you like to have this book?
1 reacties
Ik heb dit boek begin Oktober gekregen op mijn verjaardag en hou hem elke dag bij. Lijkt mij ook super leuk om te zien wat mijn antwoorden volgend jaar en de jaren erop zijn! :)