We've arrived to the ending of chapter three, 'appearance'. Like i did before in chapter two, I'm going to analyse my blogposts and place them in the Quality of life model of Felce and Perry. The model knows 5 domains of wellbeing; social, physical, emotional, material and development + activity.
I think emotional wellbeing will be the most important this chapter, but there might be some overlap with other domains. Let's see if we analyse them one by one!
I am what's underneath
This project is a really good example of emotional wellbeing. The goal of the project is to create a worldwide movement for self-acceptance. The need for authenticity grows and we don't want to see the perfectly photoshopped skinny girl anymore on the cover of a magazine. It's proof that the fashion industry is chancing. The project has a positive effect on the self-esteem of the participants, but creates a self-acceptance with the readers of the stories on the blog.
You are more than your uniform
This project can be placed under the sub-category 'status' - you are what you do, and in this case you are more than what you do. A good example of emotional wellbeing aswel, but it has a little overlap with the domain development + activity. The photo series shows their life next to their job, but it's no secret that the people in the pictures are proud of their job. When we look to the model we see that 'job' is a sub-category in the domain development + activity so that explains the overlap.
Hipster or Muslim?
The photoseries 'Hipster or Muslim?' is maybe the opposite of wellbeing. It can be linked to the domain social wellbeing, but it is not an example of a good wellbeing. It raises questions about how truthful our own identity is and it shows us how easy people can create an identity for you. It also shows us how easily you can manipulate your identity but just using material things.
The female body image
The people at Greatist.com made some cool illustrations to show how much the female body has changed over the years. It's hard to place this one in a domain. I think emotional wellbeing is the best fit. Although it might seem that physical wellbeing could be linked to it, it's not about our health and state of our body. The illustrations show beauty ideals over the years and that has effect on our satisfaction about our own body.
Golden oldies
In this blogpost I talk about elderly making an appearance in advertisement for the fashion world. A few domains of the model can be linked to this. The photo series of Dean Bradshaw is a great example of physical wellbeing. Not only young pretty girls can be used for sport campagnes, but elderly are still fit and tough enough to do it aswel. But the campagne by Dolce & Gabbana on the other hand, shows a lot more emotional wellbeing. It's all about authenticity and real women. Perfection is boring an not so much inspiring. We want to see real people and more diversity. Magazines already payed attention to different size girls and now they are adding different ages.
Like I predicted, emotional wellbeing is the most important one in this chapter. An explanation can be that appearance is so much about your physical appearance, but also about your inner self. Everything reflects on identity and our satisfaction, self-esteem, status, contentment and trust: all connected to our feelings.
I think emotional wellbeing will be the most important this chapter, but there might be some overlap with other domains. Let's see if we analyse them one by one!
I am what's underneath
This project is a really good example of emotional wellbeing. The goal of the project is to create a worldwide movement for self-acceptance. The need for authenticity grows and we don't want to see the perfectly photoshopped skinny girl anymore on the cover of a magazine. It's proof that the fashion industry is chancing. The project has a positive effect on the self-esteem of the participants, but creates a self-acceptance with the readers of the stories on the blog.
You are more than your uniform
This project can be placed under the sub-category 'status' - you are what you do, and in this case you are more than what you do. A good example of emotional wellbeing aswel, but it has a little overlap with the domain development + activity. The photo series shows their life next to their job, but it's no secret that the people in the pictures are proud of their job. When we look to the model we see that 'job' is a sub-category in the domain development + activity so that explains the overlap.
Hipster or Muslim?
The photoseries 'Hipster or Muslim?' is maybe the opposite of wellbeing. It can be linked to the domain social wellbeing, but it is not an example of a good wellbeing. It raises questions about how truthful our own identity is and it shows us how easy people can create an identity for you. It also shows us how easily you can manipulate your identity but just using material things.
The female body image
The people at Greatist.com made some cool illustrations to show how much the female body has changed over the years. It's hard to place this one in a domain. I think emotional wellbeing is the best fit. Although it might seem that physical wellbeing could be linked to it, it's not about our health and state of our body. The illustrations show beauty ideals over the years and that has effect on our satisfaction about our own body.
Golden oldies
In this blogpost I talk about elderly making an appearance in advertisement for the fashion world. A few domains of the model can be linked to this. The photo series of Dean Bradshaw is a great example of physical wellbeing. Not only young pretty girls can be used for sport campagnes, but elderly are still fit and tough enough to do it aswel. But the campagne by Dolce & Gabbana on the other hand, shows a lot more emotional wellbeing. It's all about authenticity and real women. Perfection is boring an not so much inspiring. We want to see real people and more diversity. Magazines already payed attention to different size girls and now they are adding different ages.
Like I predicted, emotional wellbeing is the most important one in this chapter. An explanation can be that appearance is so much about your physical appearance, but also about your inner self. Everything reflects on identity and our satisfaction, self-esteem, status, contentment and trust: all connected to our feelings.