Did you see the new campagne of Dolce & Gabbana yet? If you are expecting over the top glamour girly girls, think twice, because old is the new young. A cast of three elderly Spanish women are the new campagne lady's for D&G's 2015 spring collection.
Not only Dolce & Gabbana has faith in golden oldies, but the French fashion brand CĂ©line also goes for a different age category. The eighty year old writer Joan Didion stars as the face of their new collection.
Why are our grandma's en grandpa's that cool all of a sudden? Perfection is boring and not so much inspiring. We want to see real people and more diversity. Magazines already payed attention to different size girls and now they are adding different ages. Age elasticity is trending!

Another great example is the photoseries by photographer Dean Bradshaw, who uses elderly to show that age is nothing but a number. A funny response to the traditional models usually found in sport advertisements and magazines. The cute and tough photo's of elderly almost make you feel guilty for skipping the gym this week.
And last but not least: Not only big fashion brands are using elderly for their campagnes, but also on a smaller scale we see this trending topic making an appearance. The Instagram account "Fashion Grandpa's" shows fashionable grandpa's found in public. What is not to love?! Clearly not only wisdom, but also a sense of fashion grows with age!
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