Nowadays it's no big deal to have three jobs at the same time. We live in a society were it's normal you are 10 things at the same time. You can be a daughter and a mother and gardner and a cook and be a professor at the same time. You take on different rolls that identify you. Because we are more than our education, more than our profession, more than our jobs.

Someone wearing a military uniform can look very serious and strong. But do you ever think about what's behind that uniform? A machine gunner, a guard commander, a warfare officer, an air force commander but also normal people like you and me.
Photographer Devin Mitchell made a photo series in which he shows people in their different life rolls. You can be with the United States Navy, but also be a mother of two. It's like they are leading a double life. The pictures can be pretty confronting, but they show us the reality of people living in two different worlds. And like I said before: they are more than their jobs.

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